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Outgoing Erasmus Mobility Studies Full-Fall-Spring 2023/24

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Sign up for a life-changing experience!

IMPORTANT! At the end of December 2022, the European Commission informed the Tempus Public Foundation, the coordinator of the Erasmus+ program in Hungary, that no legal commitment can be made based on Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/2506 with the public interest trust established under Hungarian Act IX of 2021 or with the legal entity maintained by such public interest trust. The measure taken is temporary and will remain in force until further notice from the European Commission. The Budapest Business School has submitted its application for the next funding cycle, which would provide financing for scholarships between June 01, 2023 and July 31, 2025. As a consequence, Budapest Business School will only be able to provide the Erasmus+ scholarships awarded under this call for proposals if the above measures are repealed, the Beneficiary Agreement is signed, and the Erasmus+ funds are available. Even in this case, a delay in the disbursement of the scholarships can be expected. Selected applicants will be kept informed of the changes and are advised to give preference to spring semester mobilities at this time if it is compatible with their study plans. Thank you for your understanding!

As an Erasmus exchange student, you can spend one or two semesters (2-12 months) at one of the partner universities of Budapest Business School and get a monthly 540-600 EUR scholarship to support your study abroad.

  • You must be a degree seeking student at BBS
  • Be an enrolled, active student at BBS during your Erasmus mobility
  • You must complete at least 15 ECTS credits abroad
  • Have at least B2 level proficiency from the language of instruction Language certificate, Certificate of language school or BBS Institute of Foreign Languages
  • You must hold a valid Hungarian residence permit or be a Hungarian citizen
  • During one study cycle (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) only up to 12 months with Erasmus
  • You can’t go on Erasmus in the semester of your graduation

Additional funding

  • You can opt for Green Travel top-up (50 EUR + 4 extra days for living costs)
  • You can apply for supplementary social support as well (monthly 250 EUR top-ups)
  • Students with disabilities or long-term illnesses can apply for additional actual cost-based support


Mr. Bence Fazekas: fazekas.bence@uni-bge.hu
or meet her at the Erasmus Virtual Office for Outgoing Students

To get an overview of the whole mobility journey, check our Erasmus Step by Step Guide
