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Outgoing Foreign Traineeship Scholarships between May 01, 2024 and July 31, 2024


Call for Foreign Traineeship Scholarships

About the Programme:

The International Relations and Mobility Office at BBU announces the traineeship application for mobilities that can be implemented between May 1, 2024 and July 31, 2024. (If you can arrange your internship and would like to start it prior to that, that is also possible.)

A professional internship/traineeship is a period of time spent at a company or organization located in another program or partner country. Its aim is to help you acquire the skills necessary in the community labor market and to understand the economic and social culture of the host country. Unlike before, the application is not continuous, the deadline for submitting applications is April 30th, 2024 at 23:59 p.m.

Unlike usual, the call for applications is not announced on a continuous basis, since in order to draw on the funds, it is necessary to submit the number of applications to Tempus Public Foundation and apply for the grant based on that.

As part of the Erasmus+ program, you can apply for three different types of traineeships:

Compulsory Traineeship

In this case, it is still necessary to manage the administration related to the compulsory internship in the online Career Platform, which you can read more information about here: karrierplatform.uni-bge.hu/. You can then apply for mobility support at the International Relations and Mobility Office as described in the call for applications below. Mobility applications for compulsory traineeships are given priority.

Voluntary Traineeship

If you feel that some work experience abroad would be useful, all you have to do is find a suitable host company and submit the Erasmus+ application.

Traineeship for recent graduates

If you want to take part in a traineeship that offers a huge advantage in the labor market after obtaining your diploma, you have the opportunity to do so within 12 months of graduation. (If the traineeship for recent gratuates can be implemented until July 31, 2024 and the length of the traineeship meets the minimum 60-day condition.) It is important that the application is submitted and the Grant Agreement is signed while you are still in an active student status.


• You must pursue your studies aimed at obtaining a diploma at BBU and must have an active student status during your entire mobility period (except in the case of a traineeship for recent graduates) and at the time of signing your Grant Agreement
• You must have completed at least one semester at the time of submitting the application, with the exception of students participating in master’s, FOSZK, PhD and doctoral programs.
• You must meet the formal requirements of the application. The ranking is based on the aggregate adjusted credit index, as well as scientific and public activity. In the event of a score match, we may request additional documents.
• You must have at least B2 language skills in the language you will work in, or you must be participating in BBU’s foreign language program. If you do not have a language exam, a certificate issued by a language school or the Foreign Language Institute of BBU is also acceptable.
• In one training cycle, the total mobility period (student and traineeship combined) can be a maximum of 12 months.
• This opportunity is not available for students participating in the BBU Stipendium Hungaricum program.
• Before starting the traineeship abroad, you must fill out and submit a written study contract (Learning Agreement for Traineeships), which is a prerequisite for concluding an Erasmus Grant Agreement. This will need to be completed and signed by you and your host company after the application has been awarded.
• Your mobility activity must fit into your training plan and must be related to your current studies.
• At the end of the mobility period, your foreign host company must issue a certificate of the completed traineeship, as well as the results/an evaluation („After the Mobility” section of your Learning Agreement and Certificate of Traineeship Period).
• You must work at least 30 working hours/week at the host company.
• You must have adequate health-, accident- and liability insurance for the duration of the traineeship. (All three are necessary, unless your host company provides them or states in writing that they do not need liability insurance.)
• You are entitled to an academic scholarship or other loan disbursement received at BBU during the period spent abroad as well.


The Erasmus+ traineeship application can be submitted via BBU’s online application portal.

The deadline for submitting applications is April 30th, 2024 at 23:59 p.m.

The implementation period of the planned traineeship must fall between May 1, 2024 and July 31, 2024. (But if you can arrange your internship and would like to start it prior to that, that is also possible.)

Documents required to submit an application:

• „Before the Mobility section of the Learning Agreement for Traineeships (A scanned version signed by both the applicant and the host company)

• Proof of relevant language skills, minimum B2 level

• A motivation letter (where you specify why you would like to complete your traineeship at this company, what do you expect from the traineeship, what skills you would like to learn, what you would like to implement from your studies, etc.)

The application conditions:

• cumulative adjusted credit index of at least 3.00

• or if you will complete your compulsory traineeship abroad, then you must coordinate and agree with the Office for Academic Support (by e-mail at szakmaigyakorlat@uni-bge.hu) regarding the host company


You can apply for a traineeship at any company or organization operating in any country that is willing to provide you with the appropriate support and mentoring.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to study the profile of the partner, coordinate the employment conditions of the given host country with the host company and handle the necessary administration, as well as acquire any necessary visas (if relevant). Get as much information as possible about the company, negotiate with them about the conditions and possible benefits. See what can they do to help you organize the mobility, e.g. the employment conditions, visa administration, accommodation.

It is imperative that you only travel with a valid health-, accident- and liability insurance. We require all three.

HERE IS A LIST of companies where BBU students have completed their compulsory
internships in the past. (international.uni-bge.hu/foreign-traineeship-application/)

• These are suggested partners for voluntary traineeships. (international.uni-bge.hu/foreign-traineeship-application/)

• *Agencies:*It is worth considering traveling through an agency specialized in traineeship programs, which would greatly facilitate the search for the host company and the administration/local administration. IN THIS LIST. you will find some active agencies/brokerage companies.


You can calculate the approximate amount of your grant in advance. The scholarship is a contribution to the implementation of your mobility plan but it does not necessarily cover all your costs. Before you embark on this journey, create a budget plan. The amount depends on the length of time spent abroad. It is a lump sum, so there is no itemized settlement but you must prove the completion of the mobility according to your grant agreement. After signing the grant agreement, you will receive the scholarship in a lump sum, in Hungarian Forints.

Subsidy Rate: (foreseeable) 240 000 HUF/month regardless of the destination country

The destination countries of mobilities are to be categorized according to the following country groups:

Country group #1: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Estonia, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Croatia, Iceland, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Germany, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye, Vatican City State/the Holy See

Country group #2: countries not belonging to country group #1

You may also apply for travel support in the case of mobility to group #2 countries.

We would like to draw the attention of our applicants that the grant is only expected to be disbursed after Tempus Public Foundation has disbursed it to our university.


Equal Opportunities Support

• The equal opportunity support is an extension of the previous social support, according to new criteria.

• In case of study mobility and traineeship mobility, you can receive an additional scholarship of
100 000 HUF/month in addition to the basic scholarship.

• Documents to be submitted:
- Application data sheet in an Excel format
- Application data sheet manually signed and then scanned
- Documents supporting eligibility in a signed, scanned format. The necessary, relevant forms are available on the “Declarations” tab of the application data sheet above.

Detailed call for application.

In case of a winning mobility application, you will have to simultaneously submit the application on the same interface as the one where you submit the documents required for creating and signing the mobility contract.

We will hold an online information session on April 10, 2024 between 14:00 and 16:00

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment