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Pannónia Program Scholarship of Excellence

More information



Sign up for a life-changing experience!

As a Pannónia Program exchange student, you can spend one semester (2-6 months) at one of the partner universities of Budapest University Economics and Business.

Please find the available universities below. Make sure to contact the Faculty Head of International Affairs first.

KVIK (FCHT) Tourism Master’s students: Les Roches (spain) Contact: pal.agnes@uni-bge.hu

KKK (FIMB) International International Economy and Business and Marketing Master’s students:
University of Technology Sydney (Australia) Contact: furcsa.laura@uni-bge.hu

  • You must be a degree seeking student at BBU
  • Be an enrolled, active student at BUEB during your mobility
  • You must be an MA of PhD student at BUEB during your mobility
  • You must complete at least 15 ECTS credits abroad
  • Have at least B2 level proficiency from the language of instruction Language certificate, Certificate of language school or BUEB Institute of Foreign Languages
  • You must hold a valid Hungarian residence permit or be a Hungarian citizen


Mr. Bence Fazekas: fazekas.bence@uni-bge.hu
or meet him at the Mobility Virtual Office for Outgoing Students

Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
2 Apr 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time


Apply now! Fall semester 2025/26
Application deadline
2 Apr 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time

