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Pannónia Program Scholarship of Excellence

More information



Sign up for a life-changing experience!

As a Pannónia Program exchange student, you can spend one semester (2-6 months) at Les Roches partner university of Budapest Business University.

  • You must be a degree seeking student at BBU
  • Be an enrolled, active student at BBU during your mobility
  • You must be an MA of PhD student at BBE during your mobility
  • You must complete at least 15 ECTS credits abroad
  • Have at least B2 level proficiency from the language of instruction Language certificate, Certificate of language school or BBU Institute of Foreign Languages
  • You must hold a valid Hungarian residence permit or be a Hungarian citizen


Mr. Bence Fazekas: fazekas.bence@uni-bge.hu
or meet him at the Mobility Virtual Office for Outgoing Students
