ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL WEEK with a focus on sustainability and sustainable development

Photo illustrating the news item

Greetings from Denmark and ZEALAND Academy of Technologies and Business (ZEALAND) – DK KOGE03

It is our great pleasure to inform you that We/ZEALAND will host our first international week and invites all our International partners to join for a one-week event, from 22nd to 26th April 2024 hosted at ZEALAND, Denmark.

Join us for an intensive and inspiring International Week to co-create ideas and exchange best practices and experiences in the context of sustainability in education.

The theme for the international week is “Sustainability and Sustainable Development” and aims to provide a common ground and platform for best practices and identifying possible areas of mutual interest for future cooperation, projects and initiatives.
The intended outcome is to form a solid basis for how ZEALAND and partner institutions in cooperation can integrate and disseminate sustainability in higher education with a global/regional mindset.

The programme of the week will include two tracks designed for two unique target groups.

• An ACADEMIC TRACK for academic professionals and teaching faculty.
If you join for this track you participate in a combined mobility with a teaching and training component (workshops, seminars, knowledge sharing and “speed dating” events).

• A NON-ACADEMICK TRACK for student counselling professionals or student administration professionals. If you join for this track you participate in a training mobility aimed at (workshops, seminars, knowledge sharing within up-to date issues faced within higher education in Denmark).

(Please note that a minimum number of participants for each of the above target groups are required )


Sunday, 21st April, participants arrive in Denmark
Monday, 22nd April, Welcome to ZEALAND and joint (academic/non-academic) kick-off international week and international fair. Hosted at ZELAND Roskilde department.

(Tuesday to Thursday the NON-ACADEMIC track will run according to a different programme schedule)

Tuesday, 23rd April, hosted at ZEALAND Køge department with a focus on programmes within IT (Zealand IT and Management Faculty)
Wednesday, 24th April, hosted at ZEALAND Roskilde department with a focus on programmes within Business and Economics (Zealand Economics and Business and Economics Faculty)
Thursday, 25th April, hosted by ZEALAND Næstved department with a focus on programmes within Building Construction, architecture, Biotech, Food and Nutrition (Zealand Technical Programmes Faculty)

Friday, 26th April, all participants, hosted by ZEALAND Roskilde department. Summing up on the week, outcome and next steps.

Besides the professional programme we plan different social events throughout the week and cordially we invite all participants for a tour of Copenhagen with stops at selected major sights in Copenhagen.
Farewell at 5 pm/17:00 on Friday, 26th

Please, note that participants must cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. If you are coming from a European partner institution, you can fund your participation via Erasmus+ Staff Mobility funds.
NON-EU partners will be contacted directly by Zealand on possible funding.

Save the date and spread the invitation. We hope to see all our partner institutions represented at our very first International Week in 2024.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in ZEALAND, Denmark, to benefit from our ZEALAND International Week experience!

More information will be available during November 2023

20 Sept 2023